Services for Young People Hertfordshire Services for Young People

Supported Employment

The Services for Young People Supported Employment Team helps young people with learning difficulties and learning disabilities to find suitable paid work and thrive in the workplace.

Working in a coffee shop

The Services for Young People Supported Employment Team provides specialised support to young people with learning difficulties and learning disabilities, helping them towards paid employment.

Supported Employment Advisers in the SfYP SEND Team train and coach young people to prepare them for the world of work and support them in finding employment opportunities and moving into paid work. They can also provide support in the workplace.

The SfYP Supported Employment Team currently runs two programmes. Please see the details below for differences in eligibility criteria.

SfYP Local Supported Employment

The Local Supported Employment programme is for people who:

  • Are aged 18-25
  • Live in Hertfordshire
  • Have barriers to employment, including autism and/or a learning disability
  • Are not part of another employment programme or service provided by the government, a charity or any other organisation
  • Are not currently in paid work

SfYP Supported Employment

The Supported Employment programme is for people who:

  • Are aged 16-25
  • Live in Hertfordshire
  • Have a learning difficulty and/or learning disability and have an EHCP, or had an EHCP when they were in education
  • Are not part of another employment programme or service provided by the government, a charity or any other organisation
  • Are not currently in paid work

The programmes follow five main stages. The process for both programmes is similar and includes:

Engaging young people
An SfYP Adviser works with the young person to help them find out about the Supported Employment model and decide if it is the right option for them.

Vocational profiling
An SfYP Adviser supports the young person to identify their goals and help them make a plan to achieve them.

Job matching
A Supported Employment Adviser assists the young person in finding job vacancies that match their employment goals and helps them find work experience placements to develop employment skills and prepare for work.

Engaging employers
The Supported Employment Adviser works with the young person and employer to create a plan on how they will be supported through the recruitment process and in the workplace. Any reasonable adjustments the young person may need in the workplace are identified.

In-work support and career development
The Supported Employment Adviser works with the young person and employer for up to 6 months, supporting them to learn and keep their job. This includes job coaching, training, support from a workplace mentor and regular workplace reviews. 

Read a case study about the difference Supported Employment has made to the life of a young person.


Interested in finding out more?

Please use the SfYP referral form to refer a young person to one of our programmes or to register an interest. This can be completed by a professional working with the young person, a parent, carer or the young person themselves. Please state on the form that you are interested in Supported Employment and confirm that the young person has agreed to the referral. 

Following a referral, we will allocate an SfYP Adviser to contact the referrer to discuss the details. If it is decided that the programme is the right option for the young person, the SfYP Adviser will explain the application process. 

If you have more questions, or wish to register your interest by speaking to someone directly, please contact our SfYP SEND duty line on 01438 844999 to discuss how we can help, or email

Why do people work?

It may seem obvious, and it is something that many of us take for granted, but working allows us to:

  • Earn a wage and be financially independent
  • Learn new skills and experience new situations
  • Meet new people, make new friends and feel included in society
  • Increase our sense of self-respect and self-worth

Research has shown that generally people who work are healthier and happier.

Support for employers

Our Supported Employment Advisers also work closely with local employers, essentially offering a free recruitment service. They match the right person to the right job and ensure that, with the correct support and training, they can do the job to a high standard and become a valued and effective member of the team.

There are still many misconceptions about people with learning difficulties and learning disabilities among employers. Did you know that people with learning difficulties and disabilities…

  • In the right job can perform every bit as well as someone without a learning difficulty or learning disability
  • Frequently take less time off sick
  • Are often more motivated, dedicated and hardworking
  • Can bring new perspectives and insights to a business
  • Can increase morale and motivation across the rest of the team
  • Can increase positivity from the local community, potentially increasing custom

Our service to employers includes: 

  • Finding someone keen to work who can do the job – no hassle, no fuss
  • Using tried, tested and proven methods* to help train the new member of staff
  • Helping increase understanding of various learning difficulties and disabilities
  • Information, advice and guidance for maintaining and developing an inclusive and diverse workforce
  • Providing ongoing support and advice


*Support to the employee and employer from our Supported Employment Advisers may include systematic training or structured training. This is a tried and tested international method used to help people with learning difficulties and learning disabilities learn practical skills for work and independent living. It focuses on breaking down tasks into manageable steps and providing structured support to ensure successful learning. 

If you are an employer who would like our help to find an employee, please contact our SfYP SEND duty line on 01438 844999 to discuss how we can help, or email

Department for Work & Pensions logo
Local Supported Employment
is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions.