Services for Young People Hertfordshire Services for Young People

The Services for Young People SEND Team

Previously known as the Services for Young People LDD Team

Services for Young People (SfYP) offers young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged 13-25 impartial careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) on their post-16 options such as further education, training, employment and independent living.

The SfYP SEND Team includes specialist SfYP CEIAG Advisers dedicated to working with young people with learning difficulties and/or disabilities to help them make a successful transition into adult life.

The team works closely with schools, colleges and other learning providers. It also supports young people who are not in education, employment or training. It is also important that the team works with the young person's parents/carers.

Please click on the tabs on the left for details of the support and advice available.

Education, Health and Care Plan

Following the introduction of the SEND Code of Practice in September 2014, HCC's 0-25 SEND Team will support the assessment and review of EHCPs.

Young people meet with an SfYP CEIAG Adviser from the SfYP SEND Team during Year 9 (around age 13/14) and they attend the Year 9 Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) review as part of the SEND Code of Practice.

SfYP CEIAG Advisers continue to see young people in class, in individual interviews, in groups and at parents’ evenings in school. They aim to explore future options, identify the young person's interests and needs, and provide appropriate support. CEIAG Advisers in the SfYP SEND Team also work closely in partnership with parents/carers, teachers, tutors, social workers and other professionals to identify appropriate support and provision.


Transition planning

SfYP CEIAG Advisers in the SfYP SEND Team write a 'Preparing for Adulthood’ (PfA) Transition Plan for young people from Year 9 onwards.

Read more by clicking on the button below.


Support for young people with additional needs in the workplace


Support for young people with complex needs at college

The SfYP SEND Team's CEIAG Advisers also advise on support at college for young people with complex support needs. They can support with requests for additional funding from the appropriate funding body, either at a local college or, in exceptional circumstances, specialist residential colleges.


Any questions?

Please contact the SfYP SEND Team's duty line, call 01438 844999 (answerphone available) or email


Have you heard of the SEND Local Offer? 

Information about the support Services for Young People offers young people aged 13-25 with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is given on this website. However, other services for this age range and for children and adults outside of this age range, can be found in the SEND Local Offer directory, Hertfordshire’s central source of information for SEND services and support.