Services for Young People Hertfordshire Services for Young People

Different types of work experience

There are different types of work experience employers can offer to young people

Young person taking part in automobile/mechanic work experience.

Block Work Experience

One week placements carried out in Years 10/11 in a variety of sectors. Employer offers of work experience go onto our online booking system (Link2+) where students can select an opportunity of interest and go to work at a business following a successful interview.

Bespoke Work Experience

One week placements usually carried out in Years 12/13 tailored specifically to a student and employer. These are lined up directly with the employer for a student on a certain course or with a particular interest following a successful interview.

Extended Work Experience

These are placements usually for Years 11/12/13 for one or two days per week over an extended period of time (a term/terms or over an academic year) subject to a successful interview These opportunities are specific to a student’s interests and employers are sourced with a particular student in mind knowing their preferences. This gives an employer an additional member of staff one day per week to help out who might work at the company in the future, should a vacancy arise.

Traineeship Work Experience

These placements are for young people aged 16-24 as part of an Employability City and Guilds Programme. Work experience starts at one day per week and builds over an 8-10 week period. These are young people who could then be considered for a potential vacancy therefore saving on recruitment costs.


If you have any queries regarding the above, or would like to support young people with any of these work experience opportunities please email or call SfYP on 0300 123 7538