Services for Young People Hertfordshire Services for Young People

Leading and coordinating careers

SfYP and UoH Conference 2024


The annual Teacher and Adviser, Careers, Education and Employability SfYP conference, in partnership with the University of Hertfordshire, will be on Friday 21st June 2024 at the College Lane Campus.


The conference will include keynote speakers and interactive workshops to inform, update and inspire attendees.

Confirmed keynotes include Laura Knight; AI and the Future Skills: How to Prepare Young People for the New Era, and UCAS. A wide variety of workshops will include SEND best practice, updates on the Local Skills Improvement Plan, the apprenticeship twin-track toolkit, careers policy developments, quality in the careers curriculum, an admissions tutor panel, the University Alliance, and Student Finance England.

Please register your attendance now.


Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks have been refined to better align with the needs of young people in college

Schools wishing to assess their careers programme against the Gatsby benchmarks can use the free Compass audit tool, created jointly by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and the Careers & Enterprise Company.

Hertfordshire County Council Services for Young People (SfYP) offer can help schools and colleges meet the benchmarks


Careers and Enterprise Company

The Careers & Enterprise Company (CEC) aims to support the government’s long-term economic plan by helping young people consider all the options available to them


The latest statutory guidance, states that careers guidance will continue to be considered during Ofsted inspections, as set out in the Education Inspection Framework and Common Inspection Handbook:

Education Inspection Framework

School Inspection Handbook

The Quality in Careers Standard

The Quality in Careers Standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in schools, colleges and work-based learning.  Governmental statutory guidance recommends that all schools should work towards this award.

Working towards this award supports the learning provider by:

  • Raising the standard of the management and delivery of careers education, information, advice and guidance
  • Raising the profile of careers related education in the wider curriculum
  • Improving outcomes for young people and facilitating successful transition from learning to work
  • Supporting preparation for Ofsted
  • Providing a framework for meeting statutory guidance requirements


If your organisation is interested in following the recommendations in the statutory guidance and gaining recognition for good practice in careers-related education, please visit Quality in Careers for more information.

Careers Leaders

Every school should appoint a named person to the role of Careers Leader to lead the careers programme 

For independent impartial guidance services and support for teachers in developing the careers programme from SfYP please see Establishing a Stable Careers Programme and Careers curriculum and information support, or contact

For a guide to understanding the role and information on available training