Services for Young People Hertfordshire Services for Young People

Hertfordshire Opportunities Programme

Inspiring, informing and communicating with the next generation of employees in Hertfordshire.

Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal header

Does your business struggle to recruit skilled people?

Are there misconceptions and myths about the roles available in your industry?

Help us plug the Hertfordshire skills gap!

Services for Young People is supporting the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership in inviting employers to get involved in an exciting new programme - Hertfordshire Opportunities - that will help the residents of Hertfordshire attain the skills required by Hertfordshire businesses and industries to secure jobs close to home.

Hertfordshire Opportunities will put employers at the heart of inspiring, informing and communicating with the next generation of employees in our county. 

Led by a team of careers and skills experts, your business can get involved with activities such as mentoring, work experience and taking part in careers fairs, as well as supporting the design and delivery of careers curriculums.

A skills adviser will work with your organisation to do a skills diagnostic, covering the full breadth of your skills needs. Support will then be provided to ensure the right solution is found for your business. 

Advantages for you include the casting of a wider recruitment net, openings to headhunt talent, access to funding to support your skills needs, corporate social responsibility (CSR) opportunities, and benefiting from young people’s ideas and energy.

Find more information on the Hertfordshire Opportunities Portal or email

The programme is funded by the European Social Fund.