Services for Young People Hertfordshire Services for Young People

Services for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Tailored packages, careers guidance, bespoke work experience, supported employment

Young person with learning difficulties reading a book and smiling.

The Services for Young People (SfYP) SEND Team provides specialist careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for young people and families, supporting students with SEND and an EHCP into positive destinations.

The SfYP SEND Team provides:

  • Practical advice and support to achieve Gatsby Benchmarks
  • Support to deliver careers programmes that Ofsted recognises as examples of good practice 
  • Employability skills development through individual guidance, coaching and vocational profiling
  • Bespoke work experience and supported work experience
  • Differentiated group work and individual coaching according to student need
  • Virtual interactive learning sessions for individuals and groups of students. Current themes available include personal development, career-based learning and employability
  • Virtual interactive sessions for parents/carers on various topics, including online safety, hygiene and sexual health
  • Tailored packages to suit student and school needs

Who benefits?

  • Students in years 7–14+ in schools and colleges, and their parents/carers

Who should purchase this service?

  • Senior Leadership/Careers Leaders/Coordinators
  • DSPL Areas
  • WEX/WRL Coordinators
  • HCC departments


  • "Our Services for Young People SEND [CEIAG] Adviser has worked with our school for a number of years and is an absolute joy to work with. She has such a positive attitude which enables her to quickly establish positive relationships with young people, parents and staff. She really cares about her work and works tirelessly to ensure that everyone feels supported and reassured." - East Herts Special School, February 2020
  • "Our Services for Young People SEND [CEIAG] Adviser helped set up and run a very successful careers evening at school with local colleges and other relevant post-16 options. When it comes to me needing to know something about post-16 options in the county, I just pick the phone up as she knows the answer, I would be lost without her.” - Watford Special School, March 2020