Services for Young People Hertfordshire Services for Young People

Watford District Youth Strategy Group

Supporting, evaluating and promoting the delivery of services for young people across the Watford district, working closely with young people including Watford Youth Council

The Watford Youth Strategy Partnership Group meets regularly to discuss the key issues affecting young people in the area. It then decides on what local action needs to be taken, both collectively and by individual organisations, to address these issues and help ensure young people in Watford have the very best opportunities available to them.

For further information about the work of the Watford Youth Strategy Partnership Group, please contact the Chair, Kips Green, on 01442 454060 or

Opportunities for young people in the Watford district


Watford Youth Strategy Partnership Group member organisations

Services for Young People
Youth work, information, advice, guidance, support and work-related learning for young people

Services for Young People


Sports, dance and physical education

Apex 360 website


Dance Pad
Free dance projects for those experiencing homelessness

Dance Pad


DSPL - Delivering Special Provision Locally
Supporting families of children and young people (aged 0–25) with special educational needs

Hertfordshire's Local Offer -Delivering Special Provision Locally (DSPL)


First Rung
Training Provider – Learning and Employment Opportunities

First Rung


Hertfordshire County Council
Access, Inclusion and Attendance

HCC's Attendance Team


Herts Inclusive Theatre
A charity working with disabled and non-disabled children, young people and adults

HIT Theatre


Herts Mind Network
Mental health support with dedicated services for 15-18 year olds

Herts Mind Network


Herts Sport and Physical Activity Partnership (HSP)
Introducing sport initiatives county-wide

Herts Sports and Physical Activity Partnership


Intensive Families Support Team
Support to families, including those at risk of family breakdown



Non-profit organisation that works with young people of all ages, faiths and backgrounds



Phoenix Group for Deaf Children and Young Adults
Empowering young people up to the age of 25 who have a hearing impairment

Phoenix Group


Princes Trust
Youth charity that helps young people aged 11 to 30 get into jobs, education and training

The Princes Trust


Pump House Theatre
Theatre and arts centre

Pumphouse Theatre


Watford Borough Council

Watford Borough Council


Watford Community Housing Trust
Housing association providing homes and services to local communities

Watford Community Housing Trust


Watford FC

Watford FC


West Herts College

West Herts College