Services for Young People Hertfordshire Services for Young People

Please let us know what you are currently doing

Services for Young People keeps in touch with young people to offer support

You can use this form to update your details or you can telephone, email, text or write.

We use this information to make sure we are providing appropriate services to young people. This is part of our legal requirement to ensure the government's promise to help young people stay in education and training is met. To find out more about why we need to keep in contact with young people, please visit: Why we contact young people.

Activity Survey

About you - we ask for this information so we know who you are.
Please let us know what you are currently doing by completing either section 1, 2 or 3. We use this information to make sure we are offering you the best available service for you.
1. I am on a full time course
2. I have got a full time job

3. I am doing something else
Would you like help from an Adviser?

The information I provide will be stored on a secure Hertfordshire County Council database and used to keep my details up to date and for the purpose of statistical analysis.


Services for Young People offers information, advice and support to young people aged 13-19 (up to 25 for care leavers and some of those with special educational needs and disabilities).

We will only keep young people's data for a maximum of 15 years (up to the age of 25). It will not be given to any third party without their permission unless there is a legal requirement to do so. Read about how we look after young people's data here: Data protection.