Services for Young People
Hertfordshire County Council Services for Young People delivers youth work projects and programmes; careers education, information, advice and guidance; work-related learning; outdoor education and wider support to young people in Hertfordshire.
Our Advisers and Youth Workers are professionally trained to provide the highest level of support and work closely with partners to provide counselling, mentoring and access to other services.
We run a wide range of youth work projects across the county in which young people can get involved. Through these projects they meet new people, learn new skills and take part in challenging opportunities. They are encouraged to develop their personal and social skills by taking part in activities including sports, drama, dance, music, workshops, outdoor education, DofE, forums, residentials and volunteering.
We help young people with the issues which are important to them such as jobs, careers and education, relationships, sexual health, confidence, self-esteem, substance misuse, staying safe, housing and independent living skills.
Please explore this website to see the diverse range of opportunities and support we offer to young people of different ages and needs.
For full details of all the projects for young people available in your local area, please visit the Youth work projects in your area section.
Information, advice and support for young people is available at our SfYP young people's centres.
If you have any questions or would like contact details for local teams or individual staff, please contact us.
Parents/carers, professionals who work with young people and young people themselves can make a referral to SfYP.