As the number of young people with education, health and care plans (EHCPs) continues to grow, we are proposing some changes to the Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) transition planning process to better support their transition to adulthood. The PfA Transition Plan supports young people’s move into post-16 education, providing them with well-informed, impartial information, advice and guidance on their future options, taking into consideration their hopes and aspirations. Qualified SfYP Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Advisers create a PfA Transition Plan for each young person in Year 9. It is updated in subsequent years and includes the support needs of the young person.
The proposed changes aim to streamline the process, making it more efficient and effective. They will help us to provide more targeted support to young people, ensuring that their individual needs are met. The changes will also enhance communication and collaboration between SfYP and parents/carers, schools, colleges, and other professionals who work with young people, ensuring that the young people receive comprehensive support.
The changes we are proposing:
- Replacing the Year 9 one-to-one meetings with small group sessions. These small ‘cluster groups’ will enable the young people to share ideas and experiences, and learn from one another, helping them to get a better understanding of their options. Tailored information and advice sheets will be provided to ensure that each young person receives guidance specific to their aspirations and the opportunities available in their area. Young people will continue to receive clear and comprehensive individualised advice about their future options, helping them to make well-informed decisions.
- Introducing new online briefing sessions and tailored information and advice sheets for parents/carers to increase their understanding of the options available to their child after Year 11.
- Moving the one-to-one meetings to develop the PfA Transition Plan, from the autumn term of Year 11 to the summer term of Year 10 where appropriate. This will allow more time to consult with colleges and other further education providers.
We are seeking feedback on these proposals from young people with EHCPs, their parents/carers, schools, colleges and other professionals who work with young people. All views, concerns, and suggestions we receive will help shape our final PfA offer, ensuring that it meets the needs of all young people with EHCPs.
Please provide your feedback through one of these three online surveys
- PfA survey for young people with EHCPs
- PfA survey for parents/carers of young people with EHCPs
- PfA survey for schools and other stakeholders
Paper versions of the young people’s survey and the parents/carers survey are also available.
You can also give your feedback by contacting SfYP directly. Please contact your SfYP Adviser or the SfYP SEND Team to do this or to request the paper surveys:
- Email:
- Phone: 0300 123 7538
The consultation will close on Friday 7 March 2025.
Once we have analysed the results, we will let you know the outcome on this website.
Please visit Support for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) for more information about the support we offer.