Services for Young People Hertfordshire Services for Young People

Services for Young People Access Point Projects survey, Autumn 2022

19 October 2022

Services for Young People is asking young people how we can make our Access Point Projects more accessible to them.

Graphic tick box on electronic screen

We are currently reviewing the delivery of services at our Access Point Projects, where young people can access a wide range of services, support and information. We help young people progress into education, training or to find a job or apprenticeship and offer confidential one-to-one support with issues such as mental health, relationships, personal safety, benefits and finances, housing and homelessness, drug and alcohol use. Young people can also access sexual health services, including free condoms, free pregnancy testing and free chlamydia and gonorrhoea testing.

The results of the survey will inform how we structure and deliver the services at our Access Point Projects from January 2023, so it is important that we hear from as many young people as possible. Please share the link to the short survey with any young people you know or work with to ensure their views are included.

The survey is anonymous and young people do not need to provide any personal details. It only takes a few minutes to complete:

Complete the SfYP Access Point Project survey, Autumn 2022

The closing date is 30 November 2022.